Sunday, April 17, 2011

Class of 1956 sets date for 55th reunion activities

Below is a copy of the letter about the 55th reunion sent out to members of the Madison Central High School Class of 1956:

April 1, 2011

Dear CHS Classmates,

Just five short years ago, we were working on details for our very successful 50 year reunion. At our celebration, those who were there encouraged us to plan for at least one more gathering as a class. You spoke, and we listened. Mark your calendars - here is the plan for our casual and fun loving,

CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1956 - 55 year reunion

Friday, September 16, 2011. Time: 5:00 p.m.– 10:00 p.m.
Madison Masonic Center (small dining room)
301 Wisconsin Avenue, Madison, WI 53703
Cash bar social beginning at 5:00 pm, buffet dinner at 6:30 pm
Only $25 per person

We are excited about having the reunion in our old neighborhood. We can walk the steps where our class picture was taken and we can also stroll around the Central High School arch, which still stands as a reminder of the “good old days.” Be sure to bring your cameras (or phones) to capture some memorable moments to share with your families. Over the weekend, stop at Vilas Park to see the bench donated by our class in 2006 with accumulated excess funds from our past reunions. The bench is located near the Children’s’ Zoo and is clearly marked as a gift from the CHS class of 1956. 

Can you help us find these members of the Class of 1956?

Central High School, Class of 1956
We do not have current addresses for:

Mary Ellen Blaser
Tom Bliss
Norman Buchert
Mary Lou Connery Claus
Pauline Dunow
Thomas Harper
Jerry Hoven
Betsy Bohmrich Janke
Catherine Rombou Ketselidis
Janice Watzke Lavine
Joyce Clavadatscher McLain
Clifford Olson
Sue Parisi
Bryant Randall
Dan Smith
Dave Swenson
Norma Brager Tracy
Sally Pells Sather
Sue Lueth Taylor
Roger Watson

Please send any current info to

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Class of 1961 sets dates for 50th reunion activities

From Sandra Kay Sabroff Weber (Class of 1961:

50th Reunion
Madison Central High School
Class of 1961
August 19-21, 2011

The Madison Central High School Class of 1961 will begin its 50th reunion on Friday, August 19, 2011 at the Coliseum Bar, 232 E. Olin Avenue in Madison beginning at 5:30 p.m. There will be no charges for this meet and greet event as we are not renting a room. Food and drinks will be the responsibility of each individual.

On Saturday, August 20, 2011 the class will meet at the Elks Club, 711 Jenifer St., overlooking beautiful Lake Monona. Price is $35.00 per person. Time begins at 5:30 p.m. with a social hour followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. Enter the parking lot at the corner of Blount and Williamson streets.

Choice of dinners will be chicken maison-chicken breast topped with wild mushrooms and shallot sauce; or 10 ounce prime rib, cooked medium; or vegetarian dish consisting of pasta, vegetables and sauce.

On Sunday, August 21, 2011 the class will take a 12:00 noon cruise on Lake Monona. The $35.00 price per person includes an entire meal plus the two hour cruise, but does not include the open bar. We will meet at the boat ramp parking lot at the entrance to Olin Park towards the end of Lakeside Street.

Reunion Book: Anyone not attending the Saturday or Sunday events is requested to donate $5.00 toward printing costs.

Please fill out an information page with a current picture if possible and return. Classmates who already submitted this information do not need to fill this out.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Rich Bennett is moving the All Central Reunion to a new location in 2011

The annual All Central Reunion organized by Rich Bennett is moving! This year's event will be from noon until 6 p.m. on Sunday, February 13th, 2011 at the VFW Post 7591, located at 301 Cottage Grove Road on Madison's East Side (between Monona Drive and Dempsey Road/Highway 51).

Class of 1956 sets date for 55th reunion

From Cheryll Thompson comes this report: "The Central High School Class of 1956 is in the process of planning for our 55 year class reunion. The reunion is scheduled for Friday, September 16, 2011 beginning at 5:00 p.m. at the Masonic Temple (our old stomping grounds). As details develop, they will be posted on the Madison Central High School web site.