Posting photos increases the amount of time it takes for a page to load. That's why I've decided to move large collections of photos to Flickr. My original thought was that I would use a single Flickr Pro account for all the photo groups I posted. But when you receive scores and scores of photos from one class, it begins to make more sense to create several specialized Flickr accounts.
This also saves me lots of time, since it puts the burden of labeling, describing, and tagging the photos on the members of the class reunion committee.
Tonight, as I battle insomnia, I created a Flickr account for the Class of 1966 and uploaded 40 photos taken at their Friday night get-together at the Pub on September 29, 2006, plus a JPG file that identifies the people in the photos until the reunion committee finishes labeling and describing individual photos. I've also created a Flickr badge for this account: It's at the bottom of the sidebar (material on the right hand side of this page).
If you have friends, siblings, or classmates in the Class of 1966, you'll want to check the class Flickr site periodically for updates.
Obituary: Joseph S. DiMaggio - Class of 1967
MCFARLAND [Wisconsin] - Joseph S. DiMaggio, age 67, passed away
unexpectedly on Tuesday, March 28, 2017. He was born in Madison, on Nov. 2,
1949, to Josep...
7 years ago