Steve Sasso is the president of the Italian Workmen's Club of Madison. He's also a member of the Madison Central High School Class of 1966. So when I saw Steve this afternoon at the open house at the IWCM clubhouse, I asked what he knew about plans for a reunion this year, since information has not been forthcoming from other sources. Steve said the date is still not set, but the Class of 1966 reunion will probably be held during the third or fourth week of September.
Steve said Kathy Wolff, who has been active in organizing this reunion, as well as past reunions, recently left for Arizona for a month, accompanied by her husband, John (Class of 1965). It is unlikely that an exact date and lcoation for the reunion will be set until after she returns. He also mentioned that Monsine DiSalvo was on the reunion planning committee. Janet Stevens told me she'd talked to Steve Sauer, and he is also on the reunion planning committee. If you're on the committee and I haven't mentioned your name, leave a comment or send me an email.
As soon as I receive more specific, detailed information about the Madison Central High School Class of 1966 reunion, I'll post it here.
Obituary: Joseph S. DiMaggio - Class of 1967
MCFARLAND [Wisconsin] - Joseph S. DiMaggio, age 67, passed away
unexpectedly on Tuesday, March 28, 2017. He was born in Madison, on Nov. 2,
1949, to Josep...
7 years ago