Thursday, December 14, 2006

Class of 1956 - 50th reunion photos

For a while, I was begging people to send me photos from recent class reunions. Then some photos arrived from Cheryll Moling Thompson and I was too busy to post them. Now that I've finished all my Photoshop assignments, I'm going to try to catch up with all sorts of projects -- and this is one of the first on my list.

These photos were taken at the Class of 1956's 50th reunion, held September 23, 2006 at the Elks' Club in Madison. I've moved them all to the Central Alumni Flickr account. Use the link to go to the site (or click on the Flickr badge in the right hand column).

Note: This post was updated on 3/3/2007, when the photographs were posted to Flickr.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

They're having a party and you're invited

The Class of 1966 reunion weekend includes an informal get-together on Friday, September 29, 2006 at The Pub on State Street. The email I received from Gerhard Ellerkamp says the get-together starts at 6 p.m. and runs until ??. If this were a 5th or 10th reunion, my guess is most everyone would be there until closing time. But since this is a 40th reunion, my guess is things will wind down before then. If you want to know for sure, just show up at The Pub.

The class also has a long list of "missing" classmates, which I'm printing here. If you have information about any of these people, please contact Kathy Wolff -- or send me an email and I'll forward it to her.

Scott Anderson
Ray Armstrong
Karen (Arnold) May
Bernadette Baker
David Birge
Dianna (Bonjour) Ellis
Lynn Borcatta
Paulette (Capacio) Klein
James Cartwright
Barbara Chrisco
Charlette (Coughlin) Miller
Sandra (Denson) Johnson
Ed Erickson
Dennis Fitzgerald
Bruce Forette
Kari (Fosnot) Paepke
David Fox
Shirley Franke
Jill (Gasdorf) Burnham
Linda Harvey
Corrine Hillestad
Isabell (Hotchkiss) Laing
Carolyn (Houston) Larson
Mary Huelett
Jacqueline Hughes
Bonnie Isbell
Kathy Knutson
Gary Kopp
Linda Korbitz
Kathy (Kozicki) Baltes
Chris Krogh
Pat (Labombarbe) Sine
Mary Jo MacMillan
Doris (Manson) Bass
Steve Masino
Hall Masterson
Noel (Mathews) Smith
Bill McDonald
Theron Miller
Kathy (Monsees) Crane
Carolyn Muetzel
Colleen (O’Brien) Williams
Susan Odette
Betty (Olson) Wyss
Kathy (Olson) Kinnaird
Helen (Ottum) Lagree
Roger Peckham
Phyllis Revels
Gladys (Rich) Amherot
Randy Riemen
Susan Ruland
Gloria Schellin
Sharon Shelton
John Sherburne
Terry Smith
Laura (Smithson) Steen
Thomas Tamura
Mary (Tholo) Lever
Richard Thompson
Patricia (Treinen) Burns
Bernaro Victorianne
Mary Vitale
Carla Vogt
Janice Wagner
Michael Warren
Michael Weaver
David Williams
Peggy Williams
Rosetta Williams
Beatrice Young

Friday, May 12, 2006

Class of 1956 reunion update and list of "unknowns"

From Cheryll (Moling) Thompson, comes the following update on the Madison Central High School Class of 1956's 50th reunion plans:

Our 50th reunion on September 23, 2006 will be held at the Elks Club. Social time from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. followed by dinner and short program. The remainder of the evening will be social, reconnecting, updating and sharing memories with each other. Our class picture will be taken at 6:00 p.m. Picture boards will be on display.

There will be an informal pre-reunion "Dutch treat" gathering at the Coliseum Bar, 232 E. Olin Avenue beginning at 6 p.m. on Friday, September 22, 2006.

On Sunday morning, September 24, our reunion classmates and their spouses/guests are invited to attend a "mini brunch" to be held in Room 1 at the Senior Center, located at 330 W. Mifflin Street in Madison between 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Those who "drop" in to visit will enjoy coffee, soda, juice, donut holes, cheese and sausage, veggies and dips, mini sandwiches and "Orange and Black" cookies. This will be a time to socialize and continue contacts and conversatiosn from the previous night's events at the Elk's Club.

Richard Feldt, another member of the Class of 1956 reunion planning committee, sent along a list of the "unknown" members of the class. If you know the whereabouts of any of these people, send me an email and I'll forward it to Richard.

Mary Ellen Blaser
Tom Bliss
Norman Buchert
Mary Lou Connery Claus
Pauline Dunow
William Halsell
Thomas H. Harper
Betsey Bohmrich Janke
Catherine Rombou Ketselidis
Janice Watzke Lavine
Joyce Clavandatscher McLain
Clifford R. Olson
Bryant Randall
Sally Pellis Sather
Daniel W. Smith
Sue Lueth Taylor
Norma Brager Tracy
Roger Watson

Note: This post was updated on August 15, 2006


Thursday, May 4, 2006

News From the Class of 1960

Thanks to Bruce Dietrich, the Class of 1960 now has a basic website. It features photos from the 40th and 45th reunions (awaiting captions), news about the date for the 50th reunion, and a list of missing classmates.

The dates for the Class of 1960's 50th reunion are July 30 & 31, 2010. The location is still to be determined.

The website also has a list of "missing" classmates. Since people from many classes visit this blog, I'm going to post the names of the "missing" here, too. If you have any contact information about the following members of the Madison Central High School Class of 1960, please contact Bruce (there's contact information on the Class of 1960 website), or send me an email and I'll forward it to him. Here's the list:

John Barnett (no photo in the 1960 Tychoberahn)
Jack Blankenheim
Nancy Cheesbro (last name Chesebro in 1960 Tychoberahn)
Leon Dahl
George English
Thomas France
Barbara (Frederick) Merkel
James Green
Joel Jaffee (listed as Jaffe in 1960 Tychoberahn)
William Kovacs
Larry Longfield
Marilyn (Murphy) English (no photo in 1960 Tychoberahn)
Eugene Owens (no photo in 1960 Tychoberahn)
Dennis Piper (no photo in 1960 Tychoberahn)
Ted Sanstadt (first name listed as Theodore in 1960 Tychoberahn)
Gayle Smith
Clare Stearns,
Doris Styhm (listed as Stryhn in 1960 Tychoberahn)
Lynn (Victor) Hegge

And if you're still trying to match a face with the name, here's a photo of the first string of the Madison Central High School 1959 football team. Bruce Dietrich is number 70.

Notes on the photo (double click on the image to enlarge it in your browser window): The photo is from the 1960 Tychoberahn. It was originally printed across two pages, so the above scanned image shows a crease through Bill Tompkins. According to the caption, the players in the first row (in this case the back row) are, from left to right: John Colletti, Ed Corcoran, Ken Grauvogl, and Junior Harris. The players in the front row are, from left to right: Nick Fiore, Bruce Dietrich, Bill Olson, Ed Allen, John Novick, Bill Tompkins, and Arnie Jensen.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Class of 1966 reunion probably will be held in September

Steve Sasso is the president of the Italian Workmen's Club of Madison. He's also a member of the Madison Central High School Class of 1966. So when I saw Steve this afternoon at the open house at the IWCM clubhouse, I asked what he knew about plans for a reunion this year, since information has not been forthcoming from other sources. Steve said the date is still not set, but the Class of 1966 reunion will probably be held during the third or fourth week of September.

Steve said Kathy Wolff, who has been active in organizing this reunion, as well as past reunions, recently left for Arizona for a month, accompanied by her husband, John (Class of 1965). It is unlikely that an exact date and lcoation for the reunion will be set until after she returns. He also mentioned that Monsine DiSalvo was on the reunion planning committee. Janet Stevens told me she'd talked to Steve Sauer, and he is also on the reunion planning committee. If you're on the committee and I haven't mentioned your name, leave a comment or send me an email.

As soon as I receive more specific, detailed information about the Madison Central High School Class of 1966 reunion, I'll post it here.

Class of 1950 holds a reunion every year

Bill McDonald was at today's open house at the Italian Workmen's Club of Madison on Regent Street. The event celebrated the history of the club and the Greenbush neighborhood. Bill reminded me that his class -- the Madison Central High School Class of 1950 -- has a reunion at the VFW on Lakeside Street every year on the third Saturday in July. That means this year's reunion (the 56th) will be July 15, 2006. I don't have other details, such as time, but I'll be update this notice when I receive additional information.

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Class of 1957 Sets 50th Reunion Date

In response to an email query, I've obtained some information about the Class of 1957's 50th reunion plans. According to Mariea (Guzzetta) Harrington, the reunion will be held on July 21, 2007 at the Elks Club in Madison. I'll post additional information when it becomes available.